I Missed

Time moved on and our third child was born. My mother-in-law moved in with us (all the way from Michigan). Fortunately, there were no more situations with the church.
Convert sat me down one day and told me that he had decided to ask his dad for a job. His dad owned a very large business out east. I asked him why he wanted to change, and I also told him that I thought that he was happy working for the church. Convert shrugged off my concern and said he just wanted a change. He called his dad and within hours of that call, his dad gave him a job. Convert got a job in Georgia, but we lived in Utah...
We sold practically everything we owned and made move number thirteen to just north-east of Atlanta, Georgia. (Convert left his mom in Utah.) Converts dad gave us a large sum of money to buy new furniture and rent a large three bedroom apartment. We lived only five miles away from Converts job, but it took him twenty minutes to drive there, due to heavy traffic.
We were treated like royalty. I couldn't believe all of the expensive dinners, clothes, and new everything. Bills were payed and my father-in-law visited often (when he flew down from Ohio). We got new church callings and kept our good standing in the church.
The following year after our move we had a house built, bought a new truck, and the kids were well taken care of because of Converts large salary. I kept going to church and Convert kept working. Soon after we moved into the house, I spent many nights by myself, because Convert made new friends and attended many company gatherings. I kept up my duties as a wife, mother, and church member. Converts church attendance dropped to less than half.
I kept getting the feeling that there was something strange going on. I didn't know what, but there was a huge change in the attitude in Convert. He became distant and he was not his normal self. I felt alone and didn't know what to do. I didn't have friends to talk to, and the church was unresponsive to my needs. I went to the Visiting Teachers, the Relief Society President, and to the Bishop for counseling and none of them wanted to help me understand what I needed to do. Now the regular routine of the house didn't seem to flow. The bills were piling up and I was just making the bare bones payment on everything. The money Convert was making was increasing, but the bills were getting bigger, faster.
We lived in our new home for about a year when Convert quit his job. He stopped working all together and in order to buy groceries, I had to get a job. The only thing I could get was a job working at a fast food restaurant. The job I had could not cover all of the bills, so we were forced to sell the house. We stopped tithing in order to help pay for what we could. We had a garage sale to help pay the debt. Convert filed for bankruptcy a second time.
As for me, I worked long, hard hours. I stopped going to church, so I could make as much money as possible. I started smoking to deal with the stress. I missed my kids... I missed going to church... I missed Convert...


Obi-Dave Kenobi April 16, 2007 at 11:56 PM  

Holy Smokes! What a huge amount of change in a year, and why in the world would your husband quit his high-paying job?? Based on the rest of the story thus far I'm guessing his depression/mental illness came back over-the-top and he started making bad choices (a girlfriend? drugs?). You've got me on the edge of my seat...

The Sacred Sister April 17, 2007 at 4:27 PM  

Convert is the kind of guy that just needs to be smacked!!
I with obi-dave, I can't wait to read more. :)

Anonymous February 11, 2014 at 3:51 AM  

I agree with OBD and The Sacred. I listened to a sermon on the subject of work by Dr. Art Azurdia yesterday. Reading a few of your posts from the 2007 era this morning about Convert and his work ethic brings to life the message of this sermon. I heartily recommend it!

Found at:

Then under series, it is the 4th on down the list, The Art of Successful Living, the sermon on Work.

my best to you, prayers continue,

About Me

My photo
Michigan, United States
I spent a lot of time deciding if I should write this blog or not. I'm not a great writer and I'm not going to pretend to be. I need to share what I have learned and I might not make some people happy with what I am saying. This blog is a way for me to release the thoughts and feelings that come with knowing I grew up in the wrong religion. A healing process if you will.

How To Read This Blog

Please start with the month of February 2007 and read backwards. This is the most effective way to understand, in order, why I say what I do.

Handmaidens Creed

1.I believe in God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit as one God without beginning or end.
2.I believe the Bible to be the Holy Inspired word of God with full truth and righteousness. No other writing is.
3.I believe that the work of the Lord comes first. Before any temporal thing or person.
4.I believe that grace is a gift and Christ gives that gift freely to all who believe.
5.I believe that the beauty of a woman is contained inside of her and not by what she looks like on the outside.
6.I believe that marriage is sacred and represents the Godhead on earth; two are one just as three are one.
7.I believe that love is more powerful than any other power. Remember, God is love.
8.I believe that tithing is not a part of God's new covenant, free will offerings are. And that doesn't mean just money.
9.I believe that the Aaronic, Levitical, and Melchizedek priesthoods are abolished and Christs Holy Priesthood whom Christ is the "Great High Priest" is eternal.
10.I believe that every believer is a priest in the "Priesthood of Believers".
11.I believe that when two are one, nobody is to separate the one.
12.I believe that Christ is the only way to heaven.
13.I believe that our bodies are temples, not man made buildings.
14.I believe that liars make fools out of others and the liar hates the fool.
15.I believe that all believers are in authority to preach the gospel.
16.I believe that the word 'organization' to describe Christs body is evil and has no place with God.
17.I believe the Americas are not the land of Zion and Christ will return to His origonal land-Israel in the Middle East.
18.I believe that God has set out correct ways of worshiping Him, not man.
19.I believe in holding to the truths of the Bible and not mans understanding of it.
20.I believe that the world is full of evil and Satan can easily gain control over the minds of those who do not profess Christ of the Bible to be their only Messiah.
21.I believe that Saints are those who know the real Savior, Jesus Christ, of whom the Bible speaks of; not the jesus of a cult.