The Book of Laman
Please click on the heading and read all about it!
Labels: Book of Lamen , Book of Mormon
More Beehives!
Here is another picture from my past. The 'plaque' was an award I got for making a four foot beehive and eight inch bees made out of paper mache. The little beehive is my name tag. All from the young women's camp, 1976. Now, for the "APA," I'm loosing my memory. A is for Aaronic. P is for Priesthood, and the other A, well, that's the one I can't remember anymore. I think it's for Association, but I'm not sure.
Labels: Beehive
Mormon Missions Midwest Outreach Newsletter
Please click on the heading and go to Mormon Missions Midwest Outreach. Thank you MMMO for a very informative newsletter.
Labels: MMMO Newsletter
MIA MAID Trinkets
Here are a few souvenirs I attained while I was a MIA Maid. I think it's important for you to see that I cherished the classes I attended. These are from the mid 70's.
Labels: MIA-Maid
Tithing Settlement
I remember back when I was able to hold my first job. What excitement, anticipation and self accomplishment it brought. I got the opportunity to do something I already knew a lot about. There was nothing to taking food orders from hungry customers while they were still in their cars. Getting pop, fries, ice cream, candy, burgers, hot dogs, etc., were duties I could easily do in my sleep. The experience with my grandparents drive-in joint made me an instant expert in the field of "car hop," for the most part. I worked with the flirty-girl classmates, as well as the most popular ones; I myself, was not one or the other.
What is so memorable about the whole experience of car hopping was that I now got payed. I'll never forget that first piece of ledger that had my name on it. It was validation and proof of my hard work. I took it home and proudly displayed it in front of my parents. They enthusiastically shared in the joy of my accomplishment, but in the same breath, they announced my responsibility to the church...
The sudden awareness of my duty to pay 10% on the gross amount of my first payday, gave me the confidence of knowing I must do what was expected of me by God and the LDS church, first and foremost. I heeded to the instruction given me and on the very next Sunday I went to the church foyer where the bishops office door stood. Beside the dark door on the wall hung a small wooden container that safe-kept the important tithing slips and accompanying envelopes. After taking one slip and one envelope out of the box, I sat down on a near by chair and made the appropriate marks and signature, then neatly tucked the front copy into the envelope addressed to the presiding bishop. Before sealing the slim jacket up, I placed the money, or tithe, in along side the slip. After licking the gummy flaps edge, I slid the very small token into the cutout slot in the door that was in front of me.
I did this ritual every two weeks. Then at a certain time of the year, around tax time, I had to make an appointment for another ritual known as "tithing settlement." Tithing settlement is where those who pay tithing for the previous year, go into the bishop's office and discuss with him the amount of money that had been payed out to the church. When it was my turn to go see the bishop, I felt as though I had 'butterflies' in my stomach and was very nervous. It was my first experience with someone deciding if I gave enough money to the church. I meekly knocked on the door and went into his office after a verbal, "Come in." I sat down on a wooden office chair facing a rather very bulky wooden desk. Behind that large piece of furniture sat the bishop. He looked at his paperwork while he spoke a few kind words to me. He went on to tell me that his records had shown that I was behind in my obligation to pay 10% and I didn't pay into any of the fast offerings or missionary fund. He said that he didn't expect me to pay into the bishops storehouse, just yet.
The whole session lasted about ten minutes. I walked out of my 'tithing settlement' with a bill to pay. Before leaving the presence of the bishop, I was handed a small piece of white paper inscribed with the tender due. I was bewildered and confused. I didn't understand how I freely gave 10% of my money to the Mormon church, but the church demanded more.
I stood in the middle of the foyer after exiting the bishops office and just stared at the powder blue walls. "Something isn't right here," I thought to myself. "This doesn't add up." "How could this be?" I took a deep sigh and tucked the slip into my clutch, went to my car and drove home. I payed the amount that was written on the paper, plus I gave more for feeling as though I let God down.
In all the years I payed my tithes to the Mormon church, that first encounter with the bishop cut me to my very soul. Now that I am out of the LDS church, I see that God had given me my first warning sign into the deceitfulness of the Mormon cult practice known as, "Tithing Settlement.".
The Race to Harvest
We, who have been grafted in to the eternal Vine of life, and have sluffed off the cloak of our sinful nature, now have become joyful slaves to the great and merciful Master. We delight in His ways and wonders. We have thrown away everything that hinders us and cast away the sin that so easily entangles. It makes way for the race of perseverance before us with our eye single to our Lord. He who ran the most exhausting race anyone could ever endure and finish with such perfection that He is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
Our Master has given all of us the perfect example of how to endure all aspects of our race of perseverance so that we will not grow weary and lose heart. His Word has been given to us, His sons, for Godly encouragement. Therefore, do not be surprised then when Holy discipline enters our lives. Do not make light of the Lord's discipline, yet, at the same time, do not lose heart, because the Lord disciplines those he loves.
Our slavery to the Master is one that is humble, meek and undeserving. Our path is one that must be endured to the end. We now belong to the family of God and our Father disciplines those He loves. We should submit to our Father and live!
All discipline, at the time it is given, hurts. Just remember that the pain is short lived as long as we do not lose sight of our Savior, the One who endured all and never sinned. Keep pressing on towards the goal that leads towards a harvest of righteousness and peace. (Hebrews 12:1-12)
God bless all Christian brothers and sisters who are in the race that leads to the most excellent bounty of all.
A Hard Gospel
"Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life." (Revelation 22:17 NIV)
Our risen Christ has arms stretched out with a free gift in hand. He offers it to all impoverished sinners. The gift is salvation, and it's totally free. What wonderfully good news that is for us all. The offering is free, the taking is free. But was it really free?
The cost of salvation came at the greatest price in all of humanity, ever. "It cost the Word, who from the unbegun beginning was God and face-to-face as an equal in the Holy Trinity, the humiliation of exile from the throne room of the universe, the renunciation of the glory and majesty which had been His, and the acceptance of an identification with humanity so complete that He must forever remain the Son of man-a circumstance from which there can be no retreat in all eternity to come." (1)
This free gift, salvation, not only came at a high price to Jesus Christ, it comes at a great price to us lowly sinners. We who take the free gift of salvation must make a complete surrender of self in order to completely be "crucified with Christ and to live is Christ." Not only is Jesus Savior of the soul, He is Lord of life.
"The Gospel of Christ, though a comfortable Word, is in a sense "a hard gospel." Jesus warned His hearers that the cost of discipleship is dear.... The gift of salvation is costly. It cost God more than heaven can declare. It cost Jesus the cross. It costs everyone who receives it the total submission of self in the acceptance of the rightful claims of Jesus on the lives and souls of all who would be His for time and eternity.
Jesus, I my cross have taken,
All to leave and follow Thee;
Destitute, despised, forsaken-
Thou, from hence, my all shalt be.
Perish every fond ambition,
All I've sought and hoped and known;
Yet how rich is my condition:
God and heaven are now my own!
Henry F. Lyte (adapted)" (2)
1&2: Life in the Son, Robert Shank, Westcott Publishers, Pgs. 14-16
Gethsemane or The Cross
Our beloved, blessed risen Christ came to this physical place, earth, to be a sin offering to God. "Christ in His death fully satisfied the demands of a righteous God for judgment upon sinners and, as their infinite sacrifice, proved a ground not only for the believer's forgiveness, but for his justification and sanctification." (1) As the role and purpose of what a loving Father in Heaven had laid out for this earth shifted, a redeemer was necessary to suffer, bleed, and die for all of mankind. Without a sacrificial lamb for all sinners, the purpose of God for us would have been frustrated. Forever changed. Our Lord covered Himself in an earthly tent to become a ransom for us, and when the time came, suffering had begun.
It is thought by some that the 'true' suffering for our sins came by the way of Gethsemane and not the cross. On the Mount of Olives, within the garden, our Lord chose a solitude place where His petition to a just God commenced. In light of the near future events, the earthly form in which the Savior of the world wore, sustained grievous sorrows in His soul. So agonizing, even to the point of death, was the thought of the crucifixion, Christ fell face down and prayed, "Oh my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt." (2)
And so it begins. The path from the "oil press" or Gethsemane, opened the gate to the rocky, unforgiving road to a detestable lowly hill, "The place of the Skull," or Mount Calvary. It was at this place where the Savior suffered for our sins. The death of the sacrificial lamb, poured out the blood of that lamb once and for all. Jesus Christ suffered, bled, and died to appease a just God, saving us from certain death.
What love, what compassion, what feeling the Master had for us. "For if, when we were made enemies, now were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life." (3)
The cross is where Jesus died and is where our sins were atoned for. The cross is where our blessed Lord and Savior suffered for the sins of the world. "But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world." (4)
Let it be known to all that "at the very instant the blessed Jesus resigned his soul into the hands of his heavenly Father, the veil of the temple was miraculously rent from the top to the bottom..." (5) "It is finished;" that is, the work of man's redemption is accomplished; the great work, which the only-begotten Son of God came into the world, to perform is finished." (6)
It is the Cross not Gethsemane that is significant to God fearing Christians. It is the Cross that carried our Savior through the single most important purpose in His ministry as foretold by the prophets of old. It is the Cross that is forever embedded into a Christan's heart.
1.Jesus Christ our Lord, John F. Walvoord, Moody Press, Chicago, 1977, pgs. 162-163.
2.Matthew 26:39
3.Romans 5:10
4.Galatians 6:14
5.Life of Christ, John Fleetwood, publisher and year unknown, pgs. 138-139.
Labels: Christ , Cross , Gethsemane
Mormon Home Evening-I Am Not Christian?
Mormon Home Evening |
I Love Jesus; How Can You Say I Am Not Christian?
Posted: 06 Sep 2010 10:36 AM PDT
One of the most difficult things about witnessing to a Mormon is how they want to show that we are in agreement. In fact, it's hard to even know where to begin showing them that we are not agreeing. We are conversing with the same terminology after all, right? We use the same words like God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, repentance, scripture, faith and heaven. We both believe that Jesus was born in the Jerusalem area, that He lived a perfect life and that He died on the cross and rose three days later. We both claim to be Christian. But our ‘agreement’ is effectively keeping us from a meaningful discussion, and the Mormon from true salvation.
You see, each of the words listed above (and many others) have been redefined in Mormonism. According to Mormonism, God is not the God, but a god; god's name is Elohim and we are his literal spirit children by one of his many goddess wives. Jesus is not God but the eldest of Elohim's children; he's our and Satan's spirit-brother. Repentance is the process of turning from each specific sin, to never repeat it again, and making restitution when possible. Scripture includes the books written by Joseph Smith and latter-day prophets.
I was Mormon, so I when I finally read the Bible without trying to find my LDS beliefs in it, it got a lot easier to understand... and told a different story than I expected. The Bible only allows for one God- YHWH - who is eternally self-existent in three 'persons', one of which is the virgin-born Hebrew Yeshua (YHWH becomes Salvation). Repentance is not abandonment of sin, but the change of heart/mind that accompanies realizing that Jesus is God come to earth to take the punishment we deserve and believing on Him as Savior. Heaven is not layered, with divisions according to the righteousness we displayed in our 'mortal probation', but it is where God is, which is why it is Paradise.
The LDS will chalk these differences in meaning up to a different interpretation of scripture. They believe that Christians are the ones who do not understand; that when Joseph Smith restored true Christianity to the earth, he corrected what had been ruined and/or misunderstood. LDS will also try to point to specific Bible verses they've been taught, to justify their beliefs. But the differences cannot be explained away by simple misinterpretation; and Smith's 'restoration' is completely contrary to the most fundamental truths of the Bible. Mormons do not even know that they are taught a system of Biblical eisegesis which injects LDS beliefs into the Bible, instead of searching the Bible to see what it teaches.
And there's more.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints gives people a false Jesus not just by redefining Him, but by allowing Mormons to simply incorporate Christ into their lives. In Mormonism (as perhaps in many religions), a person can begin to do what they think is more Christ-like -- donating money to charity, visiting the sick, praying, etc. -- without ever having to personally meet and go up against God one-on-one.
Christianity is not this way. There is no making Jesus a part of the life you already have. When I first was saved, I tried to do that. I wanted my worldly life and God's grace, too. But God was emphatic. He absolutely broke me down until all there was left to do - and I knew it - was to say, "I surrender. You are God." I was not good; I finally understood that. He alone is good; and He expected me to die to myself, to kill my fleshly desires, so that I could have the ONE THING that I was really looking for - Him.
Mormonism gives people the right words to hold, the good ideals to shoot for. What it does not and cannot give its people is GOD Almighty. Believing God is my father and Jesus is my brother makes salvation/atonement not as significant an issue. The belief that I can become a god(dess) keeps me from prostrating myself before the One unimaginably Worthy and Holy God that there ever is and ever will be, in fear, admiration, and utter awe and worthlessness. My salvation came when I finally saw God for who He truly is, and myself for who I truly am – this is the truth that has set me free. And I had to fully reject my Mormon thinking to do come to that place.
I hope that you can see why I believe a Mormon who believes the LDS doctrine is not a Christian. I have no doubts that there are some LDS who, in their hearts, worship only One God, and will be saved. But it is in spite of their religion that they do this, not because of it. I've been told by some Mormons that I am trying to create my own super-exclusive definition of the word "Christian" - but I am only trying to put the right words to my understanding of the term as I find it in the Bible. A family-oriented, hard-working, good-as-can-be, church-attendee is not, by biblical definition, a Christian. A person who knows they deserve to die because of their sin against YHWH, who has turned to the Jesus of the Bible as the only solution and believes He alone is the way to be reconciled with God... is.
A few pertinent verses: Luke 18:19; Mark 10:18; Romans 3:9-13,23, 5:8, 6:23; John 1:12-13, 3:15-17, 5:24,28, 11:25,26,27, 12:24-25, 14:16; Galatians 2:16, 3:10-14; Colossians 1:15-17, 2:4-20; Hebrews 10:10-12; 1 John 1:1,5,8-10, 2:1-2, 5:10-13; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4; Ephesians 2:8-9.
[Please go their web site and read more from Mormon Home Evening. Just click on the heading and it will take you there!]
Labels: Mormon Home Evening , Mormonism
The Weird Middle-American Mormon Ad Campaign
Mormons are at it again. They are trying real hard to deceive the Christians and the general public into thinking that they too are Christians. Just in time for the up coming elections.
Click on the heading and read more about what the Mormons are doing.
*If you can't get into that particular article, go to the War Room for August 09, 2010. The article is under the same heading I have here on my blog.
Perseverance in Trials
"Consider it pure joy, my brother, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does. The brother in humble circumstances ought to take pride in his high position. But the one who is rich should take pride in his low position, because he will pass away like a wild flower. For the sun rises with scorching heat and withers the plant; its blossom falls and its beauty is destroyed. In the same way, the rich man will fade away even while he goes about his business. Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him." (JAMES 1:2-12) (italics added)
As a Christian, trials are a part of the walk towards Christian maturity. Trials are a way for God to test our faith in Him. If there is difficulty along the path of perseverance, God has given us a way to get His help. Usually it's the inability to understand what is going on at the time that causes a multitude of emotions and indecision. God tells us that if we lack the wisdom, or the practical insight, we are to go to Him in prayer in order for that wisdom to be made known. The catch is, doubt must not be in the Christian's heart and mind. You must believe whole heartedly that God will answer your petition. The answer may or may not be what you're after, but it's what God knows you need. He gives you the strength to get through the unpleasant hardships. We should not, however, think that we will receive anything from the Lord. We need to be humble and undeserving, yet believe and not doubt in the Lord. We will be blessed through our perseverance and receive the crown of life that has been promised us. Perseverance must finish its work first. Like James states, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds...".
Every Mormon (or anyone else for that matter) who reads the passages in James chapter one needs to understand the full meaning of verse five. That particular verse is for Christians to pray to God for wisdom while persevering through their trials. This verse is not to be taken out of context and applied to the Book of Mormon. The Mormon missionaries like to present James 1:5 in their introduction to the Book of Mormon to non-Mormons. They encourage potential members to pray for the wisdom of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon (this particular verse is used out of its true meaning), and if they do not doubt, the non-Mormon will get the "truthfulness of the Book of Mormon." This passage of scripture is not to be applied to the Book of Mormon. The Bible does not teach us to pray for the "truthfulness of the Book of Mormon."
I encourage all Christians to study the scriptures, so when you are approached by the Mormon missionaries, you will show yourself approved in the wisdom of truth and error.
Labels: Evangelical Christians , Perseverance , Trials
I'm Sorry, Glenn...It's Over
Click on the heading and read an article written by Sola Sisters viewed on the web site, Worldview Times News. Great read. And so true.
Labels: Deception , Glenn Beck
From Moroni to Moron-Glen Beck, A Higher Being
This is such a wonder.
It looks to me that the Mormon church has a very new, aggressive athletic supporter!
The Mormon church is going way out on a limb to make their cult appear like a loving Christian church, and Glen Beck is pinnacle for the cause!
Labels: Glenn Beck , Mormon , Moron
Mid-term Elections--Just a Reminder
This article put out by Concerned Christians is a huge reminder that the Mormon church should not have control in the white house.
Please click on the images and read it for yourself. Please click on the heading and it will take you to Concerned Christians' web site. A must read for all who need and want to know the true Jesus Christ.
Labels: Concerned Christians Newsletter , MITT ROMNEY
Asherah, is Mormonisms Mother in Heaven?
Asherah, what a beautiful name. It's a female name straight out of the Bible. It's a name that would make any female feel like a - female. Pronounce the syllables and it just flows off your lips. The meaning of this name goes deep, deep into areas that are known by very few. Maybe the history buffs know about this name. Maybe it would be known by those who spend time studying the Word to get a clearer understanding of what this name, Asherah, is all about.
I've spent the past few days reading, cross-referencing, looking on the internet, and studying many of the books I have about the Bible on this name. What I have learned is very different from what the Mormon church teaches about this name. Whether this name is used singular or plural, it doesn't matter, they are interchangeable. All cultures past and present give the same end explanation.
From the earliest of Biblical times and cultures, every nation had an equivalent to this name Asherah. One nation of particular interest is the Canaanites. Asherah was the consort (or wife) of EL, the chief Canaanite god. She was revered as the "creature of creatures," and "the mother of many off spring." She was also the mother (or grandmother) to Hadad whom the Canaanite people refer to as "Baal" (offspring of EL, father of the gods) one of the many Canaanite gods. This is the same Canaanite cult god who Melchizedek was a great high priest to.
Asherah is the pagan goddess of fertility. The Mormon church has decided to put their connection to this fertility goddess within their Book of Mormon. Mormonism believes in a heavenly mother and the apologetics are using Asherah as a symbol for their "tree of life" story. They are connecting the tree of life as a representation of their heavenly mother (or Asherah). [Asherah is known as the "Lady of the Sea" and she takes on the form of a tree.]
This fluid name of life is a cult symbol. It was an extremely bad symbol in Biblical times and it is still bad now. The Bible mentions this pagan goddess' name at least forty times. All scripture references refer to Asherah as a very wicked and cultic symbol. The "pole of Asherah" (made of wood) was destroyed many times by the prophets of old by direct instruction from a very angry Heavenly Father who was extremely jealous over the worship if this idol.
God ordered the faithful to "Break down their alters, smash their sacred stones, cut down their Asherah poles and burn their idols in the fire." Deuteronomy 7:5. Here are a few other Bible references you need to read on the subject as well: Dt. 12:3; Ex. 34:13; Judges 2:13; Job 9:8; 2 Ch. 33:15; Eze. 8:3; 2 Kings 23:6, 12; 1 Kings 14:15. To name a few.
Mormonism needs to realize that Asherah is a pagan idol of which God hates. Asherah is not a symbol of a heavenly mother and it is not a consort of the true Heavenly Father.
God will not be mocked.
Labels: Asherah , cult , Mormonism , Mother in Heaven
A Familiar Spirit and Mormonism
"Those who are well acquainted with the teachings of the Bible know that the words "familiar spirit" are always connected with witchcraft." (Mormonism, Magic and Masonry, Jerald and Sandra Tanner, Utah Lighthouse Ministry, 1988, pg. 60)
The teachings in the Bible are clear that "familiar spirit" is based on evil. According to Sandra Tanner, those words are used fifteen times in the Bible. Take a little time and look up a few of the verses for yourself:
Leviticus 19:31; 20:6, 27
2 Kings 21:6; 23:24
1 Chronicles 10:13-14
2 Chronicles 33:6
1Samuel 28: 3, 7-9
Deuteronomy 18:10, 11
Isaiah 8:19
Isaiah 19:3
Isaiah 29:1-4
"familiar spirit, the spirit of a dead person, allegedly consulted by mediums who issued prophetic advice of a secular sort. Consultation of mediums was forbidden in the O.T. (Lev. 19:31, 20:6, 27; Deut. 18:11) as apostasy from Yahweh. Mediums were punishable by death. King Saul had put "those that had familiar spirits, and the wizards, out of the land" (1 Sam. 28:3)...Josiah put away familiar spirits, together with many other "abominations" (II Kings 23:24). Isaiah (8:19, see also Isa. 19:3, 29:4) protested against consultation with those who had familiar spirits, and "wizards that peep, and that mutter." (Harper's Bible Dictionary, Madeleine S. and J. Lane Miller, Harper & Brothers, Publishers, New York, 1988, pg. 185)
Within Mormonism, their authorities (who are following after Joe Smith) have staked a claim on Isaiah 29:1-4. They say that it is a prophecy of the coming forth of the Book of Mormon. The truth is - this particular passage of scripture is a prediction of the destruction of Ariel, the city of Jerusalem. It is not what Mormonism claims it to be. Christianity and Judaism both know the correct translation and meaning of this scripture, Mormonism does not.
The Mormon apologetic's have given their best shot at trying to rationalize the Book of Mormon's use of the term "Familiar Spirits" written in 2 Nephi 26:15-17. "The word "familiar" has several meanings in English, according to Hoskisson. The most common meaning is "to be acquainted with." Hoskisson showed how applying this understanding of the word affects how the scripture is interpreted. It is certainly true that the Book of Mormon will have a spirit about it that will be familiar to those who know the Bible; they will recognize the same spirit in both books, he wrote." (Mormon Times) [Love how they twist the words around, cleaver, very sneaky!]
The Bible and the Book of Mormon do not have the same spirit - The Bible has the Spirit of God, the Book of Mormon has the spirit of Satan.
"In the light of these references, the Apostle Richard's statement that the "Book of Mormon...has a familiar spirit," appears to be nothing to boast about...Joseph Smith tried to tie into the Isaiah passage by claiming that the words found in the Book of Mormon would be "as one that hath a familiar spirit" (2 Nephi 26:16). Smith's use of these words certainly casts serious doubt on the divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon." (Mormonism, Magic and Masonry, Jerald and Sandra Tanner, Utah Lighthouse Ministry, 1988, pg. 60)
Labels: cult , Familiar Spirit , Mormonism
Pass The Meat-Not The Milk!
"I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready. You are still worldly." 1 Corinthians 3:2-3
"Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil." Hebrews 5:13-14
I was told that my blog has shifted from writing about my own thoughts and experiences, to just writing about a series of impersonal quotes taken from a small collection of books I have. If my blog isn't read from the beginning, the full message of leaving the Mormon cult would not be totally understood and the quotes will not be in proper perspective. I was once an extremely naive woman, and was led into believing far too many untruths that negatively influenced my life. I now have been set free from all of those blatant lies and the idiocy of Mormonism, but still must live out the consequences of my wrong naive choices. I made all of those horrifically bad decisions because of what I had been taught to believe in by my parents. After coming out of the deception of Mormonism and being totally brainwashed, I'm now free to make sensible decisions that can be made according to the truth.
My blog is intended to explain the process of me going from a totally confused state of mind and mixed up life, to one that has found cohesiveness through the grace of Jesus Christ. The quotes I use are a means of exposing evil that comes through the Mormon cult. No one deserves to live the way I did. There is a huge distinguishable fence between good and evil, and I do not believe in straddling that fence. Like it says in the Bible about drinking milk and eating solid food, in order for me to move on to maturity, I quit drinking milk day after day and have chosen to eat solid food even though it can be occasionally hard to swallow.
Labels: brainwashing , cult , Mormonism
Myths, Zion, Mecca, and Magic
The Mysterious Masonic Talisman
"We can trace the steps downward as young Joseph became first a "Prophet" and then a "magician" with a Luciferic commitment for which he received in exchange the power over other people that he prized so highly. We have already seen in part that a Luciferian legacy forms the foundation of the Mormon Priesthoods. The secret ceremonies in the Temples, which we will reveal further in a later chapter, are related to ritual magic. In his presidential address before the Mormon History Association on April 20, 1974, Dr. Reed Durham (at that time director of the LDS Institute of Religion at the University of Utah) disclosed some startling information about Joseph Smith that confirms our appraisal and almost cost Dr. Durham his membership in the Church:
...I should like to initiate all of you into what is perhaps the strangest, the most mysterious, occult-like esoteric, and yet Masonically oriented practice ever adopted by Joseph Smith...
All available evidence suggests that Joseph Smith the Prophet possessed a magical Masonic medallion, or talisman, which he worked during his lifetime and which was evidently on his person when he was martyred...
...Purchased from the Emma Smith Bidamon family, fully notarized by that family to be authentic and to have belonged to Joseph Smith, [it] was the appropriate talisman for Joseph Smith to possess.
I wasn't able to find what this was...[until] finally in a magic book printed in England in thrilled I was when I saw in his list of magic seals the very talisman which Joseph Smith had in his possession at the time of his martyrdom....
In astrology, Jupiter is always associated with high positions, getting one's own way....So closely is magic bound up with the stars and astrology that the term astrologer and magician were in ancient times almost synonymous.
The purpose of the Table of Jupiter in talismanic magic was to be able to call upon the celestial intelligences, assigned to the particular talisman, to assist one in all endeavors. The names of the deities which...could be invoked...were always written on the talisman....Three such names were written on Joseph Smith's talisman....
When properly invoked, with Jupiter being very powerful and ruling in the heavens, these intelligences-by the power of ancient magic-guaranteed to the possessor of this talisman the gain of riches and favor and power and love and peace...and anyone who worked skillfully with this Jupiter Table would obtain the power of stimulating anyone to offer his love to the possessor of the talisman, whether from a friend, brother, relative, or even any female.
Considering the power he obtained, his control over so many other people, and the dozens of wives he acquired in his short life, Joseph Smith probably had a lot of faith in that talisman. If Joseph Smith had sincerely desired to "restore" true Christianity, he would have followed the Bible. Instead of that, however, he sought to revive under Christian terminology something that he must have known had nothing whatever to do with Christianity, but was in fact its pagan rival. There is ample evidence that Joseph Smith knew exactly what he was doing. From early childhood he and his family had been dabbling in divination, necromancy, and various forms of ritual magic. Smith believed in and practiced occultism until his death. This is the secret foundation of the Mormon Church he established." (The God Makers, Ed Decker & Dave Hunt, Harvest House Publishers, 1984, 1997, pgs 108-110)
Please click on the title above and go to Ed's web site. You'll be glad you did!
And a special thank you to the person who gave me this book.
Labels: cult , Joseph Smith , Magic , Mormonism , Zion
They Can't Leave It Alone - A Response
(Comment added today)
"No, we can't leave Christianity alone. In fact The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only church that hasn't left it alone.
So thank you for the compliment!
The difference here is that ex-members would love to leave our church alone, but once a person has been touched by the Holy Ghost, its impossible to ignore it." (Lumin)
The post was from Concerned Christians. Please go their web site for the full article.
It's too bad that the LDS members are not in full knowledge of the Luciferian cult they are in. True Christianity, that the true Jesus Christ started from the beginning of time, is expected to have non-christian cults claim that they are the only true Christians.
There is no compliment here, just the realization that your faith, of which is run by Lucifer and is attempting to cloak itself as Christian, wants to look as Christian as possible.
The Holy Ghost, or Holy Spirit, does not dwell within the confines of the LDS organization. The spirit of Satan does. All of the roots of Mormonism lead to the evil one. No matter how nice the church seems to be. The Holy Spirit can only dwell within the hearts of those who have been born again through the cross of Christ with no "works, ordnance's, priesthood, baptism, callings, regular church attendance, tithing, etc......"
That is why "ex-members" like me, cannot leave your cultic "church" alone. I am shouting aloud to everyone to get a full understanding of the cult known as, "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints."
God Bless,
Labels: Christianity , Holy Spirit
You Are Not Allowed to Talk About Jesus on Church Property
A good Christian friend of mine (whom I will call Allen) was at Temple Square with others, talking with whomever would stop to talk about Jesus. Mormonism was not the topic of discussion, but only Jesus. Temple grounds security guards stopped and told him, "You must leave immediately or be arrested." When Allen inquired what they had done to deserve such unprovoked hostility they said, "You are not allowed to talk about Jesus on Church property." As this was a bit shocking, coming from men who were supposed to be security guards for the 'Church of Jesus Christ,' he asked them why?
They just said, "This property belongs to us and we have every legal right to arrest you for trespass if you do not leave immediately." So Allen said, "Technically, if this truly is the Church of Jesus Christ the property belongs to Jesus and I am certain He would approve of us talking about His teachings on His property." At this point the guards made it clear that they were going to call the local Sheriff and have them arrested if they did not leave immediately.
Allen attempted to reason with them "Look, we don't want any trouble and we will leave your property but please, just take a minute to think about what you are doing - You are supposed to be representatives of the "Church of Jesus" and you are threatening to arrest Christians for talking about Jesus - does that make any sense?"
As one of the guards escorted Allen off the Plaza the guard asked what Allen would think if he (the guard) came to Allen's personal property or to his church to do what Allen and his friends were doing. Allen smiled and said, "You are invited to my personal property any time and trust me, you would be welcome to come to our church to discuss the teachings of Jesus. We would talk with you as long as you want to talk." The Guard just looked frustrated.
And, since that tactic didn't work, the guard said, "Well, you KNOW that Jesus would never have encouraged His disciples to break the law and you are breaking the law - you are trespassing!" Allen just said, "That is exactly why we are here... you do not know Jesus nor do you understand His teachings. When the Lord's disciples were arrested by the Temple Guards and thrown into jail, an angel sent from God set them free and told them to go right back to the temple and keep preaching. If you think your threats will stop us from being witnesses for Jesus you are dead wrong." This shocked the guard, and his face softened a bit as he said in a hushed voice, "Well, if you come back again within the next 24 hours I will have no choice but to arrest you." Allen responded, "Look, I know you are just doing your job, and I realize you have rules to follow, but think about it... you are hired by 'The Church of Jesus' to stop Christians from talking about Jesus - that's just not right."
Click on the heading.
Please go to Concerned Christians web. Take a look around. They are helping many Mormons who want to know the truth in Jesus!
The Mormon Challenge III
Theocracy: The Original Goal Still Intact
The Mormon empire is a virtual theocracy.Its leaders claim to represent God to the people. Therefore they are accountable to no one on earth for anything. They only command, and their followers must obey without question. According to Apostle Boyd K. Packer:
Now, about the Church money, we've never published the income figures...
It's been a policy. A lot of organizations are that way.
The original aim of founding Prophet Joseph Smith and other early Mormon leaders was to establish a theocracy that would eventually control the entire United States. Instead, the "Saints" were successively driven from Illinois and Missouri by "Gentiles," who didn't take kindly to such a goal nor to the attempts to accomplish it by trickery and force."
Mormon leaders were then, and still are, biding their time until that prophesied day when their original goal will at last be accomplished.
That goal of establishing a theocratic rule over the United States and planet Earth is still an integral part of the Mormon faith and the underlying motivating factor in their desire to convert the world.
Many other Mormons, however, have been driven by conscience to leave their Church because of what they consider to be heresies and fraud too serious to overlook any longer.Battling with just the many obvious problems of the history of their faith, such as the inconsistent versions of the First Vision, outright fraud in Smith's pretended translation of Egyptian papyri as lost Scripture, and his ridiculous attempt to foist a similar translation of the deliberately faked Kinderhook plates, many Mormons have finally come to the conclusion that they can no longer be silent. Believing they are under a moral obligation to share their knowledge about the dark side of Mormonism with the world, many former Mormons have joined forces to accomplish this goal." (The God Makers, Ed Decker & Dave Hunt, Harvest House Publishers, 1984,1997, pgs. 11-12)
Labels: Ed Decker , Joseph Smith , Mormonism
Mormon Joke
Once two Missionaries decided to go pheasant hunting. Since they were inexperienced they just asked the sporting goods dealer to fix them up with everything necessary for a successful day. On his recommendation they bought shotguns, shells, hunting clothing, licenses, a bird dog, etc. Early the next morning the went afield with great excitement to pursue the elusive pheasant; but immediately encountered difficulty getting their new bird dog to perform. Finally one of them became so frustrated he said,
"I don't know what that guy sold us, but it ain't no bird dog! I've had it with this mutt; I'm goanna shoot him!"
"Wait! Wait", implored the other, "we paid $500 bucks for that dog, give him just one more chance."
"All right", said the first reluctantly. "You throw him up once more, and if he don't fly I'm goanna waste him!"
Labels: Missionary , Mormonism
The Mormon Challenge II
Reversing the LDS Pro-Life Stand
"the LDS church has reversed its almost militant pro-life position and LDS Bishops are now counseling young women to have abortions! Twenty years ago such counseling would have caused a Bishop to be immediately excommunicated from the church for such behavior."
"The LDS General Handbook now says that abortion is not murder, and is permissible in cases of rape, incest, or when the life or health of the woman is in danger, or the fetus is not likely to survive birth. But as recently as 1975, the LDS President said abortion is wrong, even in cases of rape. And Utah's Right-to-Life Director says she has received a lot of calls from girls who say their Bishops counsel them to have abortions." (The God Makers, Ed Decker & Dave Hunt, Harvest House Publishers, 1984, 1997, pgs. 9-10)
Please Click on the Title and go to Eds Web site!
The Mormon Challenge
The Foundation of Mormon Authority
"John Farrell's assignment was "not an expose of the Mormon religion," but to give an honest picture of life inside Utah. Just as it was behind Marxism's Iron Curtain, however, so Farrell and Richardson discovered that in this bastion of capitalism and conservatism behind the Zion Curtain it was extremely difficult to find individuals who were willing to speak openly and freely in response to questions about the almost-omnipotent religious power that tolerates no interference in its control of the Church State. They soon learned that "the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints does not take kindly to dissent." For a resident of Utah to openly question the irresistible and self-serving influence exerted everywhere in Utah by the Mormon Church--or its activities, morals, or doctrines--could call down the wrath of a totalitarian power upon one's head. The results are sometimes frighteningly similar to those suffered by dissidents within the former Soviet Union or some other Communist country."
"Everyone entering the imposing Church headquarters is greeted by these emblazoned words: The Course of Wisdom is the Course of Obedience."
"And in Utah, the Church State, even non-Mormons feel the pressure to conform to a power that insists upon overriding both conscience and God. The authority which the Mormon hierarchy wields began with Joseph Smith's claim that every Christian on the face of the earth was following abominable creeds and was involved in a total worldwide apostasy that had completely destroyed the Church that Jesus Christ had founded."
"All who reject Joseph Smith's claims and do not submit obediently to his successors are "Gentiles" outside the true Church he founded and are without salvation."
(The God Makers, Ed Decker & Dave Hunt, Harvest House Publishers, 1984, 1997, Pgs. 8-9, bold lettering added)
The title of this post is linked to Ed Decker's web site. Please take some time and visit Ed. He'll be glad you did! And so will you.
Labels: Ed Decker , Joseph Smith , Mormonism , Saints Alive
Jesus' Mother and Brothers
"He replied to him, "Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?" Pointing to his disciples, he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother." (Matthew 12:48&49)
The family of Christ is with those who are His disciples, not flesh and blood.
My Definition of the Mormon Priesthood
A humanistic system that's highly subjective with the facade of spirituality when if fact it's totally pagan.
Labels: Mormon , Mormonism , Priesthood
Mormon Home Evening - Tonights Lesson - Too Many gods
Mormon Home Evening |
The Other Gods of Deuteronomy by Staci Lee
Posted: 14 Jun 2010 02:23 PM PDT
An LDS man who wanted to convince me that the Bible validates the notion of multiple gods used Deuteronomy 32:8 as a proof text. In the RSV (the translation he wanted to use for this verse) it says:"When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of men, he fixed the bounds of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God.";
The LDS man made three claims: that "sons of God" is the more accurate translation; that these sons-of-God are gods themselves; and that these sons-of-God/gods are part of a "heavenly council of gods" to the "Most High God."
To see if the man had a reasonable argument, I first went back to the Book of Deuteronomy and studied it carefully. As it turns out, Deuteronomy has A LOT to say about other gods. The following is a presentation of what I found. PLEASE take the time to read these verses so you will know that my representations and conclusions are fully supported by the Biblical text.
(And keep in mind that Bible translators use the all-caps word "LORD" for the Hebrew word יְהוָה which means "The Existing One." "YHWH," "Yahweh," or "Jehovah" are the English renderings of יְהוָה For this reason, I will substitute "Jehovah" for "LORD" below).
"...Thou shalt have none other gods before me..."
Deuteronomy teaches that:
1 - The LORD God (Jehovah elohim) is the god of the nation of Israel, but other peoples/nations have/worship other gods (Deut 5:6; Deut 29:25-26; Deut 32:12)
2 - The LORD God is adamant that His people not have anything to do with the other gods, nor try to worship Him in the same way as the other people worship their gods (Deut 5:6-8; Deut 6:14; Deut 7:3-5; Deut 8:19; Deut 11:16-17; Deut 11:28; Deut 12:2; Deut 28:14-15; Deut 30:16; Deut 31:16-17)
3 - The god-worship done by the other nations includes “every abomination to the LORD” (one given example is the burning of their children) (Deut 12:31; Deut 20:18; Deut 29:18; Deut 31:18) and
4 - The LORD God is superior to all other "gods" (Deut 3:24; Deut 10:17)
"...These curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee...The LORD shall bring thee... unto a nation which neither thou nor thy fathers have known; and there shalt thou serve other gods, wood and stone..."
Deuteronomy tells us more about the gods of the other nations. It goes on to show that:
5 - The other "gods" being worshiped are just wood and stone -- graven images/the work of men’s hands (Deut 28:36; Deut 28:64; Deut 4:25, 27-28; Deut 29:16-18; Deut 12:3)
6 - The other "gods" being worshiped are the sun, moon, and ‘host of heaven’ (Deut 17:2-5; Deut 4:15-16,19) and
7 - The other "gods" being worshiped are demons! (Deut 32:16-17)
Perhaps some of the "gods" are not really gods, but are some real?
“For the LORD shall judge his people... he shall say, 'Where are their gods... let them rise up and help you, and be your protection! See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me...'" Deut 32:36-39
“Unto thee it was shewed, that thou mightest know that the LORD he is God; there is none else beside him.” Deut 4:35
“Know therefore this day, and consider it in thine heart, that the LORD he is God in heaven above and on the earth beneath; there is none else.” Deut 4:39
Perhaps, according to Deuteronomy, Jehovah God is the only real god for our heaven and earth; but there are other real gods for other 'heaven and earths'? Is this possible? No, for two reasons.
First, in all of Deuteronomy, and in fact, in all of the Bible, though the issue of "other gods" is brought up many, many, many times, NOT ONE TIME is any mention made of any other REAL god.
Second, should there be any confusion, the "I am the only God" verses in Deuteronomy have been restated and further clarified elsewhere in the Bible (eg., Isaiah 43:10, 44:6,24).
Mormon friend, it boils down to this. Given what is revealed about Jehovah -- the LORD God, in the Bible -- for you to claim or believe that there are other real gods anywhere (even in other universes, if they exist) you must believe that: 1 - Jehovah conceals the existence of other real gods, 2 - Jehovah is ignorant, or 3 - the Bible is not true (is not reliable/has been mistranslated). Since we were trying to use A BIBLE VERSE to prove the existence of other real gods in the first place, it is pointless to take the position that the Bible is not true/accurate. Next, throughout the Bible, not only does Jehovah repeatedly state that He is the only God, but He takes great care everywhere else in the Bible to say that the "other gods" are but idols. We cannot get around the fact that Jehovah God has clearly spoken on this issue. Lastly, could Jehovah be ignorant? Dare we assume Jehovah is not great enough to know of His peers? Only if we think we are greater than He is. “God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar” (Romans 3:4).
We must conclude that IF the 8th verse of the 32nd chapter of Deuteronomy is really talking about "gods," then they are only so-called gods, wrongfully worshiped, to a person's detriment.
And the Most High God? Yeah, that's Jehovah.
"...I have lift up mine hand unto the LORD (Jehovah), the most high God (elyon el), the possessor of heaven and earth..." (Genesis 14:22)
"I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD (Jehovah) most high (elyon)." (Psalm 7:17)"Know therefore this day, and lay it to your heart, that the LORD is God in heaven above and on the earth beneath; there is no other." Deut 4:39
"If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams... saying, Let us go after other gods (elohim)... that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams, shall be put to death; because he hath spoken to turn you away from the LORD (Jehovah) your God (elohim)..." Deut 13:1-5
Please click on the title above and read more from Mormon Home Evening. Monday nights will never be the same!
Labels: cult , gods , Mormon , Mormon Home Evening , Mormonism
The Ex-Mormon
My thoughts are in red and in brackets.
"Ex-Mormon, sometimes abbreviated as Exmo, is a term used by former members of the Mormon church, properly known as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, to describe themselves. There is no one group that can be described as "Ex-Mormon," since those who leave the Mormon Church do so for a variety of different reasons. Dissenters range from liberal atheists to committed Evangelical Christians. [ok, now, for me, I was not a dissenter from the Mormon church. This statement is closed minded and false. The writer was not careful in the words chosen. Did ya notice, when "Evangelical Christians" is put in here, Mormonism is showing its true colors here. Remember, Mormonism is not Christian!!!!!]
While technically anyone who leaves the Mormon Church could be described as an "Ex-Mormon," the term is generally reserved for people active in the ex-Mormon, and frequently anti-Mormon, world especially on internet blogs. [The term "Ex-Mormon" is just that, meaning someone no longer in the Mormon church. Now the term has shifted to the www. thing and to all Ex-Mormon bloggers. The Mormon church should not lump those who are getting the truth out to truth seekers into a huge pile. Spreading the truth is a loving thing to do.]
Perhaps the most famous of these self-described ex-Mormon groups is Ed Decker's organization called variously "Recovery from Mormonism," "Saints Alive," or "Ex-Mormons for Jesus." Decker was excommunicated from the Mormon Church in 1976. He has become quite controversial for is sensationalists attacks against Mormonism (which were condemned by the Anti-Defamation League [I looked up the ADL's web page, and did an extensive search on it and it does not say anything about Ed Decker and his work, it's a web site for the Jews.]) his hyperbolic [Meaning of being a hyperbole. So what's a hyperbole? It's a noun meaning obvious exaggeration; an extravagant statement. If Ed is being hyperbolic for the real JESUS, then yeah he has a right to be hyperbolic!] language and unsubstantiated [Meaning not established by evidence. Go to his web site and find out for yourself if Ed has any evidence or not. You'll find out that his work is full of evidence!] claims. Other ex-Mormons and critics of Mormonism have rejected his work and his style, but he remains influential particularly through the internet.
The majority of those who describe themselves as ex-Mormons and participate in the various on-line ex-Mormon blogs are secular humanists who reject belief in God altogether [I am not a student of human paganism. Quite the contrary. I show the TRUTH about a FALSE religion, or cult, that has brought evil to the world and to Christianity! The true Christ of the Bible, only, please!]. Many of these writers attack Mormonism claiming that its leaders discourage freedom of thought or force conformity. Many assail what they perceive as hypocrisy [pretending to be what one is not] among Mormons [Most Mormons don't know the hypocrisy of the LDS faith.]. This latter argument is very popular among agnostic critics who see in every weakness or failing an instance of hypocrisy. They relate ad infinitum [To infinity or endlessly.] accounts of Mormon bishops or Mormon missionaries doing something contrary to their own beliefs [Truth hurts doesn't it.]. There is a disturbing schadenfreude [Great word isn't it. If you already know what it means. Translation for the English: "the habit of dwelling with enjoyment of evil thoughts."] in their attacks on every human failing of faithful Mormons [Nice play of words. The TRUTH is, it's the organization of Mormonism that is attacked, not the people. They only DO what they are told, ie; bishops and missionaries. Oh yeah, the REAL JESUS is not evil. My enjoyment is of HIM only!]. Many ex-Mormons describe feeling duped or tricked and to justify their having believed in it, they accuse the Mormon Church and its culture of brainwashing and lying [Did you catch that? "its culture of brainwashing and lying!" There you go, in their own words. It is a culture of brainwashing and lying. Nuff said.]. Many also evince [To show plainly. And I do.] a very egocentric [Viewing everything in relation to oneself.] outlook in concluding that since they no longer believe in Mormonism [I show plainly the facts of a false religion and they are objective.], then any other intelligent person should consider Mormonism absurd [If the intelligent person would study the truth]. They conclude that other Mormons are either lying or deluded or simply after power [Remember, it's not the person that has the problem, it's the system, THE SYSTEM!]." (, italics added, red type added, brackets added,)
Labels: Anti-Mormonism , Blogs , brainwashing , cult , Ed Decker , Evangelical Christians , Jesus , Mormonism , Saints Alive , Truth
Mormon Prophet-A Finial Word
"The governor [Brigham Young] rose to address the audience, and a profound silence ensured, as is always the case when he rises to speak. After reflecting in terms of condemnation upon the alleged hostility of General Taylor to the Mormons, and to giving them a government, he exclaimed, in a loud and exulting tome, "But Zachary Taylor is dead, and in hell, and I am glad of it." Then drawing himself up to his utmost height, and stretching his hands towards heaven, he declared in a still more violent voice, "and I prophesy in the name of Jesus Christ, by the power of the Priesthood that's upon me, that any President of the United States who lifts his finger against this people shall die an untimely death, and go to hell." To this sentiment there came up from those seated around us, and from all parts of the house, loud and mingled responses of "Amen!" "Good!" "Hear!" (A Winter with the Mormons, David L. Bigler, The Tanner Trust Fund, pg. 164, Brackets added, Bold type added)
Brigham Young was not a humble servant of the Lord, on the contrary, his was a man with a spirit full of hate, greed, lust, idolatry, covetous, malice, &c. His treatment of the emigrants makes him no better than those who did wrongful harm to innocent people in Missouri, and Illinois. The evil deeds that Brigham Young ordered out upon innocent people was only done out of a cult that is led by Satan himself with the prophets as his footstool.
Labels: A Winter with the Mormons , Mormon , Mormonism , Prophet
Part Nine
"Make yourself quite easy, honored sir, we have no "Salt Lakes" in Oregon, suitable for "pickling" people in, and if we had I should not be worth pursuing."
"That Brigham Young then and there said, among other things, that the "gentiles were now coming into the Lord's valley, and the if they said anything derogatory of them, (the Mormons,) or their religion, it was better to behead them at once;"-and thereupon called for a vote of the people upon that proposition; a vote of the same was taken, and was unanimous in the affirmative, not a solitary vote being given in the negative."
"James Ferguson, (Sheriff of Great Salt Lake county,) and ----Mukely, (one of the Bishops,) each made speeches, Said Ferguson, in his speech, said, among other things, THAT WHILE THEIR HANDS WERE IN, THEY MIGHT AS WELL KILL ALL THE EMIGRANTS THAT WERE LEFT IN THE VALLEY-THAT IT WAS THE EASIEST WAY TO GET RID OF THEM, AND STOP THEIR COMING THERE. Said Mukely expressed himself in favor of Ferguson's proposition, to KILL THE EMIGRANTS." (A Winter with the Mormons, David L. Bigler, The Tanner Trust Fund, pgs. 131, 132,136)
Labels: A Winter with the Mormons , Mormon , Mormonism
Part Eight
"Having been honored by a visit from Brigham's spy, and Brigham's military, and having paid the taxes unjustly imposed upon us, we hoped we should now be suffered to depart the valley without further molestation; but we soon found that to the victims of Mormon hate, hope had lost its meaning, or at least it must always be followed by that little word "but." A storm had passed, but the sky was not serene. From the dark, portentous clouds the forked lightning still continued to stream, while the incessant roll of distant thunder warned us that another storm, perhaps more fearful than the first, was yet to burst upon our defenceless heads."
"The company were in high spirits. We had scaled the mountain walls of our prison. Before us, to the north-west, lay the beautiful valley of Snake river, stretching out as far as the eye could reach. At our feet we beheld the pure waters of the Columbia. All drank of it and pronounced it the best they had ever tasted! We were free, and we resolved to stop and hold a jubilee! We had prepared a banner at Willow creek-our nation's emblem, the glorious stars and stripes. The only motto it contained was the word LIBERTY on one side, and OREGON on the other." (A Winter with the Mormons, David L. Bigler, The Tanner Trust Fund, pgs. 118-126)
Labels: A Winter with the Mormons , Mormon , Mormonism
Part Seven
"It was about the 20th of February that we bade adieu to Mormon settlements, and formed our encampment on Willow Creak. We had hoped that here, unmolested, we should have been permitted quietly to wait till the snow should thaw in the mountains sufficiently, to permit us to leave a valley, which to many of us, had emphatically been a vale of tears. We soon found, however, that our hope in this respect was a delusive one; that the place of promised security was the scene of our greatest trials."
"His arrest was all a farce-a piece of Mormon jesuitism-to blind the eyes of the emigrants. He was sent there by the order of Brigham, to lay a snare for the emigrants. The plot was a cunning one, which Brigham had no doubt would certainly succeed. This Danite was to represent himself as a disaffected Mormon-anxious to leave the valley. Having obtained the sympathies of the emigrants, he was to propose to drive off a band of cattle, as some compensation for the robberies he had suffered from the Mormons. He would not compromise the company-would not travel with the company, but occasionally come into camp to get provisions....The Danite would then come in as a witness-fines of course would follow, and then we should have lost our teams if not our lives."
"Were Brigham to come in person and tender back the money he robbed us of, there is not a man among us but would exclaim: "Your money perish with you! In our distress and anguish of soul, you robbed us of our all, and exposed our wives and little ones to the danger of perishing with famine, amid the wastes of the desert! When we had but a morsel, and long long miles intervened between us and civilized man, you robbed us of that, and now, when we are full, do you hope to wipe out the blot from your polluted soul, by coming and offering back to us the morsel? Never, never, NEVER!"' (A Winter with the Mormons, David L. Bigler, The Tanner Trust Fund, pgs, 103-111)
Labels: A Winter with the Mormons , Mormon , Mormonism
Part Six
"Every day, too, seemed to come loaded with some new foreboding of evil. The gathering clouds of Mormon intolerance were seen in the distance, rolling up in blackening volumes, and the muttering thunder of inquisitorial wrath, warned us that a storm was at nigh."
We were told that the emigrants were all to be taxed before they left the valley. Our property, and even our lives, had been threatened by the high council. A strong guard was secretly stationed every night, for some purpose, on all the thoroughfares leading from the city."
"One event of thrilling interest following another in rapid succession, the open threats of Brigham and the twelve apostles, filled the emigrants with alarm. There were many emigrants in the valley-some for Oregon, the great mass for California."
"One thing is certain, if a Mormon were ever to take any of my property again without leave, I should pay him whatever he should ask for his trouble in carrying it off, and then hold my peace. This three bushels of stolen wheat cost me about $75." (A Winter with the Mormons, David L. Bigler, The Tanner Trust Fund, pgs. 92-99)
Labels: A Winter with the Mormons , Mormon , Mormonism
Part Five
"There are various little items which combine to exhibit the character of a people. Some of these little items I wanted to mention-such as their disregard of the BIBLE. This book is seldom read among them; indeed in all my travels among them, I never saw it read, nor did I ever see a copy in any of their houses.
The Sabbath is disregarded. So far as I could judge, a large proportion of the inhabitants pursue [sic] their avocations on this as other days. True they have a meeting every Sabbath in the city, and in the other branches of the church; but these meetings, so far as I could learn, were occupied in giving counsel about building mills, herding cattle, paying tithing, raising grain, and a thousand things about temporal matters; the whole interspersed with liberal denunciations of the United States and predictions of the overthrow of its government."
I know this is a grave charge, but I fear it is too true."
But here I need to proceed with caution. I would not for my life accuse the Mormons of a single crime of which they are not guilty, and especially of a crime of so high a magnitude as that of murder. But if citizens of the United States, while passing through that Territory, have not been murdered in cold blood, then the Mormons themselves are the most atrocious liars on God's footstool"
"Brigham had only to say: "mark that man!" it was enough-he never passed the Weber!"
These were the men, if any who were employed to assassinate the emigrants above referred to; a transaction frequently alluded to in that sarcastic phrase: "pickled down in Salt Lake!"
"Hear it ye emigrants! If any of you say ought against the Mormons r their practices we will take off your heads!"
"'Yes! We will take off your heads! By the eternal God we will do it, in spite of all the emigrants! And all the United States!! And all hell!!!'"
Labels: A Winter with the Mormons , Mormon , Mormonism
Part Four
"Sir.-I knew little about the Mormons previous to my arrival among them. Living at a great distance from the theatre of their operations, all my knowledge of them was derived from the testimony of others. I knew indeed that they were a deluded-but I thought them to be a persecuted people. I was disposed to censure the inhabitants of Missouri and Illinois, for the part they took in driving them out of their respective states. Some of the people in Vermillion [sic], Ohio, will bear me record, that during the time of the great excitement, consequent upon driving the Mormons form Nauvoo, I publicly declared my conviction, that those measures were both implitic and unjust, and Jo Smith was truly a murdered man. I make this remark that the reader may understand that I did not go into the valley with my mind overcharged with prejudice against the Mormons-that I was neither an actor nor sympathizer with those who imbued their hands in the blood of that prince of imposters-Jo Smith. A great deal had been said in our part of the country, about their abominable practices, but I believed there was much exaggeration, if not misrepresentation. That these leaders were licentious I had no doubt, for it is in accordance with history that such is the character of all imposters. But I also thought that to their followers and to the world they would put on a virtuous garb, and maintain outwardly the appearance of decency at least. Such a state of open, unblushing, beastly impurity and vileness as I found to actually exist among them, I had never dreamed of, and did not suppose could possibly exist among civilized beings. Although from my earliest infancy I had been taught the doctrine of human depravity, I had never expected to witness, on this earth, such glaring development of it."
Yes, sir, let it be known that here, in christian America-in a land of Sabbaths and bibles, there exists a large community practicing deeds, openly, in the face of the sun, which one cannot even speak of without shame."
The marriage institution-an institution framed by Jehovah himself, and worthy his perfections-...This institution the Mormons have trampled under foot, and in its place have reared a system of concubinage of as vile a character as ever debased a ruined man and woman, body and soul, for time and eternity."
"...the Mormons-young and old, high and low, male and female, are by far the most profane people I ever met with. In a life of more than forty years, I never heard so much profane swearing as during the few months I spent in that wretched, mountain-walled prison." (A Winter with the Mormons, David L. Bigler, The Tanner Trust Fund, 2001, pgs, 61-70)
Labels: A Winter with the Mormons , Mormon , Mormonism
Part Three
"'No people exist," says Brigham Young, in his letter to President Fillmore, "who are more friendly to the United States than the people of Utah." Well, if it is so, they have a strange way of showing it. I travelled the whole length of their valley, mingled among their people, spent the night in very many of their families, took the utmost pains to ascertain their feelings toward our government, but in all my intercourse with them I never heard the first syllable expressed of friendship for the United States."
"The predictions of their prophets, that the United States would be overthrown, were constantly repeated, expressing the conviction in tones of exultation, that the time was close at hand when such predictions would be verified. They are taught to believe that in the accomplishment of these predictions, they have an important part to act, and that when our government shall be dashed into a thousand atoms, the dominion will be given to them and they will possess the land."
"That no governor sent there from the states would be received. And in more instances than one, I heard them say that if a governor was sent there "they would shoot him!'"
"Said he, "I [Brigham Young] am the governor of the state of Deseret, I was elected for life, and no other person shall hold that office here while I live.'"
"The emigrants all felt that his language was treasonable, and that he [Brigham Young] ought to be indicted for treason against the United States."
"'No people in the world are more friendly to the United States than the people of Utah!" Why then, sir, are you cultivating so sedulously a military spirit among your deluded followers: Why such zeal in accumulating military stores:"
"Why those deep plans laid for the destruction of an army approaching your country from the United States?"
"Why was it, that at the peril of their lives, they dared not draft such memorial? And why were a company of emigrants thus situated, when they had prepared a flag-an imitation of the banner of our glorious country, the simple stars and strips-afraid to spread it to the breeze, till mountain barriers had placed them beyond the reach of your people? Why were they told by your people, that to raise that flag would be considered by them as an act of defiance?"
"What other people in the world, most friendly to the United States, would consider the stars and stripes a nuisance, and aggression, and act of defiance! Ah, sir, if the world can produce no better friends to the United States than the people of Utah, then I have only to say, God save my beloved country! But further than this, the institutions of the Mormons are at antipodes with the republican institutions of the United States."
"For said he [Brigham Young] there are but three articles in the Mormon creed-believe in the book of Mormon, pay tithing, and obey counsel."
"Brigham is a cunning fellow-he knows he made a blunder when he laid out the Weber City; but it wont answer for him to acknowledge it. And now he gets us to petition to have it all a city for ten miles, and hereafter if any shall say 'your city was a failure'-he can say:'you would not obey counsel; I laid out the city in accordance with wisdom; but you, who are always rebelling against counsel, would not by satisfied, but petitioned me to change it, and to please you, I did so, and now if you all go to the devil it is not my fault-you should obey counsel.'"
"In this connection, I will mention the taxing and tithing. The taxes are enormous-amounting to two and a half and three per cent,. [sic] on all their property. But this is nothing in comparison to the other drafts made upon the purse. One tenth of everything-one tenth of the capital, and one tenth of the income. If a man has been to the mines, and made a raise of $1,000-$100 of it goes at once to the high council. Then of the remaining $900-one tenth of the income of that must be given. If a poor widow as ten hens, Brigham takes one of them-if the remaining nine lay one hundred eggs, he takes ten of them; if from the remaining ninety she raises sixty chickens, he takes six of them, and so on to the end of the chapter. One tenth of every-thing [sic]. One tenth of the cows, and then one tenth of the butter and cheese made from the balance. One tenth of the vegetables of the garden and one tenth of the grain of the farm. [paragraph] If I am asked-"what becomes of this immense income? -perhaps I might as wall answer in the sublime language of Brigham, himself. Said that distinguished personage in a public address, complaining that the brethren were not prompt in paying these dues, said:-"I am sometimes asked by the brethren, what is done with all the tithing of the Saints?" said he-"I TELL THEM IT IS NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS!" Surely if it is none of the business of the Saints, who have these enormous sums to pay, what becomes of it, it is not the business of up poor gentiles to inquire. A good Mormon woman, however, complaining in the hearing of Mrs. Goodell, that she could get nothing to clothe her children, for every thing they got went to Brigham- saying, it went to support his wives!" (A winter with the Mormons, David L. Bigler, The Tanner Trust Fund, pgs. 47-58, Brackets added)
Labels: A Winter with the Mormons , Mormon , Mormonism
Part Two
"It was in the month of September that we made our entry into this famous city. Long trains of Mormons were also arriving, and we were at first taken to be ourselves Mormons; and though when we disabused their minds on this point, we were treated at first with a good deal of civility, still we perceived that a wide distinction was made between them and the gentiles, as they term all who are not Mormons. For instance, the price of flour, as regulated by the high council, was at that time $10 per hundred pounds, when sold to Mormons, but $25 when sold to the gentiles."
"'that man is a gentile, you know that Brigham says we must not sell flour to the gentiles for less than $25 a hundred.'"
"In the early part of January Brigham Young, in company with several of the twelve apostles, visited that part of the church established on the Weber, about 40 miles north of the city, where many of the emigrants passed the winter, and while there, publicly declared it to be his will that we poor gentiles should not be provisions at all!"
"The Jesuits of the 16th century were not more deceitful and cunning than are the leaders of the Mormons. With the most deadly hatred rankling in their bosoms against our republican institutions, predicting with the utmost certainty the downfall of our nation," (A Winter with the Mormons, David L. Bigler, The Tanner Trust Fund, 2001, pgs. 35-38)
Here is a taste of the second letter. But wait!, it gets better, I promise.
Labels: A Winter with the Mormons , Mormon , Mormonism
A Winter with the Mormons
Its the name of a book I was given. I mentioned earlier in another post.
I'm going to give a rundown on the profound atrocities suffered by the emigrants making their way to the Pacific coast. In several parts.
The editor of nine letters to the "Oregonian" after winter pit-stop in the Great Basin among the Mormon settlers. The whole affair was most horrible for all who had the misfortune to end up in the Salt Lake valley during the winter months prior to their exit to their new home.
They whole tale gives a very personal insight into the lives of those who were 'stuck' in Mormon land back in 1850-51.
Hopefully this post will give some clear insight into how the Mormon church treated 'outsiders' or 'those from the United States.'
The editor, David L. Bigler, to me, did a very fine job in compiling this book for all those who want to know the truth in what really happened in Brigham Young's group.
"The first of Jotham Goodell's nine letters on Mormon society in the Great Basin appeared in The Oregonian at Portland soon after the publication of reports and correspondence on the 1851 clash between the American republic and its theocratic territory, the earliest of many to come over the next forty years. Goodell sought to discredit Mormon versions of the fight and support charges by the first of many federal officials who took flight from Utah during that period out of fear, frustration, or a mixture of such emotions.
The seeds of the controversy had been planted the year before. In September 1850, the month the Goodells arrived in Salt Lake Valley, Congress ignored Mormon petitions for entry into the Union as the State of Deseret and created instead a territory with the unwanted name of Utah."
[Lets skip some of the intro.]
"Soon after, Brandelbury was outraged at the 24 July 1851 Pioneer Day celebration in Great Salt Lake when governor Young said, among other seditious-sounding remarks, "[President] Zachary Taylor is dead and gone to hell, and I am glad of it!"
"Sir:-Recent intelligence from the city of Washington inform us that the delegate to congress from the territory of Utah has placed among the executive archives, his prompt, unqualified, and peremptory negation of the truth of the statement of the returned officers, respecting that most deluded people. To persons not familiar with the mysteries of that abomination, this may appear strange and unaccountable; but to those who, with the writer, spent the winter of '50 and '51, shut up in that den if infamy, each denial will not appear strange."
"It describes a most deplorable state of things at Salt Lake, so much so that it might be difficult to believe some portions of the account, were it not for the unimpeachable character of the gentleman who penned it."
"There with the snow drifting around us, our limbs benumbed with piercing cold, and those vile gestures of the High Council, the blood thirsty Danites prowling around, and an armed force repeatedly charging in upon us, threatening our property and our lives, we anxiously waited, wishing and praying that heaven might be propitious and open a way for us through the mountains, that we might find an asylum among the Snake river savages."
"But as I have spun out this introduction to such a length, I will close the present article by remaking that I know how to appreciate the privilege of speaking and writing what I think without the fear of losing my head. When imprisoned by the mountains among that ungodly people, we dared not even to speak aloud, much less to put a word on paper." (A Winter with the Mormons, David L. Bigler, The Tanner Trust Fund, 2001, Preface Xlll, pgs. 26-28)
This is just some of the first letter to the Oregonian back in 1852 after Jotham Goodell and family (along with many others) left the Salt Lake Valley while imprisoned a winter with the Mormons in 1850-51.
I suggest that if you need to read in depth this book (and I highly recommend that you do), please go to Utah Lighthouse Ministries and purchase it. Amazon might have it too.
Labels: A Winter with the Mormons , Mormon , Mormonism
The Lost Symbol of Mormonism? NO.....
"God presides in the great assembly." Psalm 82:1
The great assembly is in the great Hall of Justice (1Kings 7:7) in heaven.
"In The Lost Symbol, the front and center theology is that of Apotheosis--of humans becoming gods." (Exaltation and The Lost Symbol, Scott Holley, September 21, 2009,
The 'essay' titled "Exaltation and The Lost Symbol," (Dan Brown, The Lost Symbol, New York: Doubleday Books, 2009), points to the conclusion that one of the subjects within this book supports the Mormon theology that Mormons will become gods. The essay uses Psalm 82 from the Bible as support for their (Mormons) exaltation into the eternities as a "god."
"God presides in the great assembly; he gives judgment among the "gods". How long will you defend the unjust and show partiality to the wicked? Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked. "They know nothing, they understand nothing. They walk about in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken. "I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High. But you will die like mere men; you will fall like every other ruler." Rise up, O God, judge the earth, for all the nations are your inheritance." (Psalm 82)
"If The Da Vinci Code highlighted one key element of Mormon theological distinction from Evangelical Christianity with the origin of Biblical scripture, then The Lost Symbol masterfully articulates the second-exaltation and man's divine potential." (Ibid, same essay)
"The psalm was understood in rabbinic circles as an attack on unjust judges who, though they have been given the title "gods" because of their quasi-divine function of exercising judgment, are just as mortal as other men." (NET
"PS 82 A word of judgment on unjust rulers and judges. The Levitical author of this psalm evokes a vision of God presiding over his heavenly court-analogous to the experiences of the prophets (see 1Ki 22:19-22; Isa 6:1-7; Jer 23 :18, 22; see also Job 15:8)." (The Holy Bible, Footnotes on psalm 82)
God is the King and Judge over all, especially over all of the rulers and judges on this earth. The "gods" are earthy humans who have earthy power; those who rule and judge while here on this earth. For those humans who defend the unjust, show partiality to the wicked, utterly devoid of true understanding of moral issues or of the moral order of God's rule sustains, God will "judge" them. Within this psalm, "gods" is used as a term that applies to types of authorities. "God, Most High, and O God," is used to describe the "Most High God" or our Father who is in the "great assembly."
"This offhand assertion is especially interesting given the ultimate message of the book-that not only are we gods, but we are able to access our divinity through shared spiritual experiences, and that truth is often found in such "wide acceptances". (Ibid)
In psalm 82 the message is clear that the God of the Most High is the only God who will judge all in the end. All other gods are not significant in stature, only to do His work on earth. If that work is not according to His will, then the "gods" will have very harsh judgment by by "GOD". This psalm is not about becoming a god, the Mormons are wrong.