Part Seven

"It was about the 20th of February that we bade adieu to Mormon settlements, and formed our encampment on Willow Creak. We had hoped that here, unmolested, we should have been permitted quietly to wait till the snow should thaw in the mountains sufficiently, to permit us to leave a valley, which to many of us, had emphatically been a vale of tears. We soon found, however, that our hope in this respect was a delusive one; that the place of promised security was the scene of our greatest trials."
"His arrest was all a farce-a piece of Mormon jesuitism-to blind the eyes of the emigrants. He was sent there by the order of Brigham, to lay a snare for the emigrants. The plot was a cunning one, which Brigham had no doubt would certainly succeed. This Danite was to represent himself as a disaffected Mormon-anxious to leave the valley. Having obtained the sympathies of the emigrants, he was to propose to drive off a band of cattle, as some compensation for the robberies he had suffered from the Mormons. He would not compromise the company-would not travel with the company, but occasionally come into camp to get provisions....The Danite would then come in as a witness-fines of course would follow, and then we should have lost our teams if not our lives."
"Were Brigham to come in person and tender back the money he robbed us of, there is not a man among us but would exclaim: "Your money perish with you! In our distress and anguish of soul, you robbed us of our all, and exposed our wives and little ones to the danger of perishing with famine, amid the wastes of the desert! When we had but a morsel, and long long miles intervened between us and civilized man, you robbed us of that, and now, when we are full, do you hope to wipe out the blot from your polluted soul, by coming and offering back to us the morsel? Never, never, NEVER!"' (A Winter with the Mormons, David L. Bigler, The Tanner Trust Fund, pgs, 103-111)


Anonymous June 3, 2010 at 1:14 PM  

"Danites." Sheesh. Joseph Smith and Brigham Young were SO nuts.

handmaiden June 4, 2010 at 12:10 AM  

Hi Becky,
Oh yeah! For sure!

About Me

My photo
Michigan, United States
I spent a lot of time deciding if I should write this blog or not. I'm not a great writer and I'm not going to pretend to be. I need to share what I have learned and I might not make some people happy with what I am saying. This blog is a way for me to release the thoughts and feelings that come with knowing I grew up in the wrong religion. A healing process if you will.

How To Read This Blog

Please start with the month of February 2007 and read backwards. This is the most effective way to understand, in order, why I say what I do.

Handmaidens Creed

1.I believe in God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit as one God without beginning or end.
2.I believe the Bible to be the Holy Inspired word of God with full truth and righteousness. No other writing is.
3.I believe that the work of the Lord comes first. Before any temporal thing or person.
4.I believe that grace is a gift and Christ gives that gift freely to all who believe.
5.I believe that the beauty of a woman is contained inside of her and not by what she looks like on the outside.
6.I believe that marriage is sacred and represents the Godhead on earth; two are one just as three are one.
7.I believe that love is more powerful than any other power. Remember, God is love.
8.I believe that tithing is not a part of God's new covenant, free will offerings are. And that doesn't mean just money.
9.I believe that the Aaronic, Levitical, and Melchizedek priesthoods are abolished and Christs Holy Priesthood whom Christ is the "Great High Priest" is eternal.
10.I believe that every believer is a priest in the "Priesthood of Believers".
11.I believe that when two are one, nobody is to separate the one.
12.I believe that Christ is the only way to heaven.
13.I believe that our bodies are temples, not man made buildings.
14.I believe that liars make fools out of others and the liar hates the fool.
15.I believe that all believers are in authority to preach the gospel.
16.I believe that the word 'organization' to describe Christs body is evil and has no place with God.
17.I believe the Americas are not the land of Zion and Christ will return to His origonal land-Israel in the Middle East.
18.I believe that God has set out correct ways of worshiping Him, not man.
19.I believe in holding to the truths of the Bible and not mans understanding of it.
20.I believe that the world is full of evil and Satan can easily gain control over the minds of those who do not profess Christ of the Bible to be their only Messiah.
21.I believe that Saints are those who know the real Savior, Jesus Christ, of whom the Bible speaks of; not the jesus of a cult.