"The governor [Brigham Young] rose to address the audience, and a profound silence ensured, as is always the case when he rises to speak. After reflecting in terms of condemnation upon the alleged hostility of General Taylor to the Mormons, and to giving them a government, he exclaimed, in a loud and exulting tome, "But Zachary Taylor is dead, and in hell, and I am glad of it." Then drawing himself up to his utmost height, and stretching his hands towards heaven, he declared in a still more violent voice, "and I prophesy in the name of Jesus Christ, by the power of the Priesthood that's upon me, that any President of the United States who lifts his finger against this people shall die an untimely death, and go to hell." To this sentiment there came up from those seated around us, and from all parts of the house, loud and mingled responses of "Amen!" "Good!" "Hear!" (A Winter with the Mormons, David L. Bigler, The Tanner Trust Fund, pg. 164, Brackets added, Bold type added)
Brigham Young was not a humble servant of the Lord, on the contrary, his was a man with a spirit full of hate, greed, lust, idolatry, covetous, malice, &c. His treatment of the emigrants makes him no better than those who did wrongful harm to innocent people in Missouri, and Illinois. The evil deeds that Brigham Young ordered out upon innocent people was only done out of a cult that is led by Satan himself with the prophets as his footstool.
Mormon Prophet-A Finial Word
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Labels: A Winter with the Mormons , Mormon , Mormonism , Prophet
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