"Here are some examples. [Part six of eight]
Satan is Jesus' Brother
Protestants have such a knee-jerk reaction to this. It really REALLY aggravates them because they take it out of context and also assume that spirit brotherhood makes Jesus and satan equals - it doesn't!
The LDS Church teaches that before the Earth was created, we all lived as spirits with God, our Heavenly Father. Since He is the Father of our spirits we are all brothers and sisters......
Why do Protestants actually agree that Jesus and satan were spirit brothers?
While Protestants disagree over the specifics of the LDS theology, they do believe in some key points - That Lucifer was created by God and that he didn't start out bad but later became evil and was cast out of God's presence. Since Lucifer was created by God that makes God his Father. Protestants believe that Jesus is the Son of God; ergo, Lucifer and Jesus (and the rest of us) are brothers since they, and we, share the same Heavenly Father." (Kelly Bingham, Why Protestants Agree With Mormons (They Just Don't Realize It), www.moroni10.com, December 7, 2007, Brackets added)
"The Bible does not teach that Jesus Christ was the spirit-brother of Lucifer. Though we could cite many passages that refute this hideous doctrine, we will limit our attention to Colossians 1:16, where we are told that the entire angelic realm--including the angel Lucifer--was personally created by Jesus Christ: "By him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they by thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him."
The little phrase "all things" means that Christ created the whole universe of things. "Every form of matter and life owes its origin to the Son of God, no matter in what sphere it may be found, or with what qualities it may be invested....Christ's creative work was no local or limited operation; it was not bounded by this little orb [earth]." Everything--whether it is simple or complex, visible or invisible, heavenly or earthly, immanent or transcendent--is the product of Christ.
Now, it is noteworthy that Paul says that Christ created "thrones," "powers," "rulers," and "authorities." In the rabbinical (Jewish) thought of the first century, these words were used to describe different orders of angels (see Romans 8:38; Ephesians 1:21; 3:10; 6:12; Colossians 2:10, 15; Titus 3:1). Apparently there was a heresy flourishing in Colossae (the city in which the Colossian Christians lived) that involved the worship of angels. In the process of worshiping angels, Christ had been degraded. So, to correct this grave error, Paul emphasizes in Colossians 1:16 that Christ is the one who created all things--including all the angels--and hence, He is supreme and is alone worthy of worship.
We know from Scripture that Lucifer is a created angelic being--a"cherub" (Ezekiel 28:13-19; cf. Isaiah 14:12-15). Since Lucifer was an angel, and since Christ created all the angels, it is clear that Christ is not a spirit-brother of Lucifer. Christ is not of the created realm; rather, He is the Creator. Lucifer and Christ are to two entirely different classes--the created and the Creator. You will want to carefully point this out to Mormons, especially when discussing verses they cite to support their deviant view that Jesus was procreated by the Father." (Reasoning from the Scriptures with the Mormons, Ron Rhodes & Marian Bodine, Harvest House Publishers, 1995, pp. 275, 276)
Sorry, Mormons and Protestants don't agree here either.
Why Protestants Agree With Mormons? Part Seven
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Labels: Protestants vs.Mormons
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