Part Six

"Every day, too, seemed to come loaded with some new foreboding of evil. The gathering clouds of Mormon intolerance were seen in the distance, rolling up in blackening volumes, and the muttering thunder of inquisitorial wrath, warned us that a storm was at nigh."
We were told that the emigrants were all to be taxed before they left the valley. Our property, and even our lives, had been threatened by the high council. A strong guard was secretly stationed every night, for some purpose, on all the thoroughfares leading from the city."
"One event of thrilling interest following another in rapid succession, the open threats of Brigham and the twelve apostles, filled the emigrants with alarm. There were many emigrants in the valley-some for Oregon, the great mass for California."
"One thing is certain, if a Mormon were ever to take any of my property again without leave, I should pay him whatever he should ask for his trouble in carrying it off, and then hold my peace. This three bushels of stolen wheat cost me about $75." (A Winter with the Mormons, David L. Bigler, The Tanner Trust Fund, pgs. 92-99)

Part Five

"There are various little items which combine to exhibit the character of a people. Some of these little items I wanted to mention-such as their disregard of the BIBLE. This book is seldom read among them; indeed in all my travels among them, I never saw it read, nor did I ever see a copy in any of their houses.
The Sabbath is disregarded. So far as I could judge, a large proportion of the inhabitants pursue [sic] their avocations on this as other days. True they have a meeting every Sabbath in the city, and in the other branches of the church; but these meetings, so far as I could learn, were occupied in giving counsel about building mills, herding cattle, paying tithing, raising grain, and a thousand things about temporal matters; the whole interspersed with liberal denunciations of the United States and predictions of the overthrow of its government."
I know this is a grave charge, but I fear it is too true."
But here I need to proceed with caution. I would not for my life accuse the Mormons of a single crime of which they are not guilty, and especially of a crime of so high a magnitude as that of murder. But if citizens of the United States, while passing through that Territory, have not been murdered in cold blood, then the Mormons themselves are the most atrocious liars on God's footstool"
"Brigham had only to say: "mark that man!" it was enough-he never passed the Weber!"
These were the men, if any who were employed to assassinate the emigrants above referred to; a transaction frequently alluded to in that sarcastic phrase: "pickled down in Salt Lake!"
"Hear it ye emigrants! If any of you say ought against the Mormons r their practices we will take off your heads!"
"'Yes! We will take off your heads! By the eternal God we will do it, in spite of all the emigrants! And all the United States!! And all hell!!!'"

Part Four

"Sir.-I knew little about the Mormons previous to my arrival among them. Living at a great distance from the theatre of their operations, all my knowledge of them was derived from the testimony of others. I knew indeed that they were a deluded-but I thought them to be a persecuted people. I was disposed to censure the inhabitants of Missouri and Illinois, for the part they took in driving them out of their respective states. Some of the people in Vermillion [sic], Ohio, will bear me record, that during the time of the great excitement, consequent upon driving the Mormons form Nauvoo, I publicly declared my conviction, that those measures were both implitic and unjust, and Jo Smith was truly a murdered man. I make this remark that the reader may understand that I did not go into the valley with my mind overcharged with prejudice against the Mormons-that I was neither an actor nor sympathizer with those who imbued their hands in the blood of that prince of imposters-Jo Smith. A great deal had been said in our part of the country, about their abominable practices, but I believed there was much exaggeration, if not misrepresentation. That these leaders were licentious I had no doubt, for it is in accordance with history that such is the character of all imposters. But I also thought that to their followers and to the world they would put on a virtuous garb, and maintain outwardly the appearance of decency at least. Such a state of open, unblushing, beastly impurity and vileness as I found to actually exist among them, I had never dreamed of, and did not suppose could possibly exist among civilized beings. Although from my earliest infancy I had been taught the doctrine of human depravity, I had never expected to witness, on this earth, such glaring development of it."
Yes, sir, let it be known that here, in christian America-in a land of Sabbaths and bibles, there exists a large community practicing deeds, openly, in the face of the sun, which one cannot even speak of without shame."
The marriage institution-an institution framed by Jehovah himself, and worthy his perfections-...This institution the Mormons have trampled under foot, and in its place have reared a system of concubinage of as vile a character as ever debased a ruined man and woman, body and soul, for time and eternity."
"...the Mormons-young and old, high and low, male and female, are by far the most profane people I ever met with. In a life of more than forty years, I never heard so much profane swearing as during the few months I spent in that wretched, mountain-walled prison." (A Winter with the Mormons, David L. Bigler, The Tanner Trust Fund, 2001, pgs, 61-70)

Part Three

"'No people exist," says Brigham Young, in his letter to President Fillmore, "who are more friendly to the United States than the people of Utah." Well, if it is so, they have a strange way of showing it. I travelled the whole length of their valley, mingled among their people, spent the night in very many of their families, took the utmost pains to ascertain their feelings toward our government, but in all my intercourse with them I never heard the first syllable expressed of friendship for the United States."
"The predictions of their prophets, that the United States would be overthrown, were constantly repeated, expressing the conviction in tones of exultation, that the time was close at hand when such predictions would be verified. They are taught to believe that in the accomplishment of these predictions, they have an important part to act, and that when our government shall be dashed into a thousand atoms, the dominion will be given to them and they will possess the land."
"That no governor sent there from the states would be received. And in more instances than one, I heard them say that if a governor was sent there "they would shoot him!'"
"Said he, "I [Brigham Young] am the governor of the state of Deseret, I was elected for life, and no other person shall hold that office here while I live.'"
"The emigrants all felt that his language was treasonable, and that he [Brigham Young] ought to be indicted for treason against the United States."
"'No people in the world are more friendly to the United States than the people of Utah!" Why then, sir, are you cultivating so sedulously a military spirit among your deluded followers: Why such zeal in accumulating military stores:"
"Why those deep plans laid for the destruction of an army approaching your country from the United States?"
"Why was it, that at the peril of their lives, they dared not draft such memorial? And why were a company of emigrants thus situated, when they had prepared a flag-an imitation of the banner of our glorious country, the simple stars and strips-afraid to spread it to the breeze, till mountain barriers had placed them beyond the reach of your people? Why were they told by your people, that to raise that flag would be considered by them as an act of defiance?"
"What other people in the world, most friendly to the United States, would consider the stars and stripes a nuisance, and aggression, and act of defiance! Ah, sir, if the world can produce no better friends to the United States than the people of Utah, then I have only to say, God save my beloved country! But further than this, the institutions of the Mormons are at antipodes with the republican institutions of the United States."
"For said he [Brigham Young] there are but three articles in the Mormon creed-believe in the book of Mormon, pay tithing, and obey counsel."
"Brigham is a cunning fellow-he knows he made a blunder when he laid out the Weber City; but it wont answer for him to acknowledge it. And now he gets us to petition to have it all a city for ten miles, and hereafter if any shall say 'your city was a failure'-he can say:'you would not obey counsel; I laid out the city in accordance with wisdom; but you, who are always rebelling against counsel, would not by satisfied, but petitioned me to change it, and to please you, I did so, and now if you all go to the devil it is not my fault-you should obey counsel.'"
"In this connection, I will mention the taxing and tithing. The taxes are enormous-amounting to two and a half and three per cent,. [sic] on all their property. But this is nothing in comparison to the other drafts made upon the purse. One tenth of everything-one tenth of the capital, and one tenth of the income. If a man has been to the mines, and made a raise of $1,000-$100 of it goes at once to the high council. Then of the remaining $900-one tenth of the income of that must be given. If a poor widow as ten hens, Brigham takes one of them-if the remaining nine lay one hundred eggs, he takes ten of them; if from the remaining ninety she raises sixty chickens, he takes six of them, and so on to the end of the chapter. One tenth of every-thing [sic]. One tenth of the cows, and then one tenth of the butter and cheese made from the balance. One tenth of the vegetables of the garden and one tenth of the grain of the farm. [paragraph] If I am asked-"what becomes of this immense income? -perhaps I might as wall answer in the sublime language of Brigham, himself. Said that distinguished personage in a public address, complaining that the brethren were not prompt in paying these dues, said:-"I am sometimes asked by the brethren, what is done with all the tithing of the Saints?" said he-"I TELL THEM IT IS NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS!" Surely if it is none of the business of the Saints, who have these enormous sums to pay, what becomes of it, it is not the business of up poor gentiles to inquire. A good Mormon woman, however, complaining in the hearing of Mrs. Goodell, that she could get nothing to clothe her children, for every thing they got went to Brigham- saying, it went to support his wives!" (A winter with the Mormons, David L. Bigler, The Tanner Trust Fund, pgs. 47-58, Brackets added)

Part Two

"It was in the month of September that we made our entry into this famous city. Long trains of Mormons were also arriving, and we were at first taken to be ourselves Mormons; and though when we disabused their minds on this point, we were treated at first with a good deal of civility, still we perceived that a wide distinction was made between them and the gentiles, as they term all who are not Mormons. For instance, the price of flour, as regulated by the high council, was at that time $10 per hundred pounds, when sold to Mormons, but $25 when sold to the gentiles."
"'that man is a gentile, you know that Brigham says we must not sell flour to the gentiles for less than $25 a hundred.'"
"In the early part of January Brigham Young, in company with several of the twelve apostles, visited that part of the church established on the Weber, about 40 miles north of the city, where many of the emigrants passed the winter, and while there, publicly declared it to be his will that we poor gentiles should not be provisions at all!"
"The Jesuits of the 16th century were not more deceitful and cunning than are the leaders of the Mormons. With the most deadly hatred rankling in their bosoms against our republican institutions, predicting with the utmost certainty the downfall of our nation," (A Winter with the Mormons, David L. Bigler, The Tanner Trust Fund, 2001, pgs. 35-38)

Here is a taste of the second letter. But wait!, it gets better, I promise.


A Winter with the Mormons

Its the name of a book I was given. I mentioned earlier in another post.
I'm going to give a rundown on the profound atrocities suffered by the emigrants making their way to the Pacific coast. In several parts.
The editor of nine letters to the "Oregonian" after winter pit-stop in the Great Basin among the Mormon settlers. The whole affair was most horrible for all who had the misfortune to end up in the Salt Lake valley during the winter months prior to their exit to their new home.
They whole tale gives a very personal insight into the lives of those who were 'stuck' in Mormon land back in 1850-51.
Hopefully this post will give some clear insight into how the Mormon church treated 'outsiders' or 'those from the United States.'
The editor, David L. Bigler, to me, did a very fine job in compiling this book for all those who want to know the truth in what really happened in Brigham Young's group.


"The first of Jotham Goodell's nine letters on Mormon society in the Great Basin appeared in The Oregonian at Portland soon after the publication of reports and correspondence on the 1851 clash between the American republic and its theocratic territory, the earliest of many to come over the next forty years. Goodell sought to discredit Mormon versions of the fight and support charges by the first of many federal officials who took flight from Utah during that period out of fear, frustration, or a mixture of such emotions.
The seeds of the controversy had been planted the year before. In September 1850, the month the Goodells arrived in Salt Lake Valley, Congress ignored Mormon petitions for entry into the Union as the State of Deseret and created instead a territory with the unwanted name of Utah."
[Lets skip some of the intro.]
"Soon after, Brandelbury was outraged at the 24 July 1851 Pioneer Day celebration in Great Salt Lake when governor Young said, among other seditious-sounding remarks, "[President] Zachary Taylor is dead and gone to hell, and I am glad of it!"
"Sir:-Recent intelligence from the city of Washington inform us that the delegate to congress from the territory of Utah has placed among the executive archives, his prompt, unqualified, and peremptory negation of the truth of the statement of the returned officers, respecting that most deluded people. To persons not familiar with the mysteries of that abomination, this may appear strange and unaccountable; but to those who, with the writer, spent the winter of '50 and '51, shut up in that den if infamy, each denial will not appear strange."
"It describes a most deplorable state of things at Salt Lake, so much so that it might be difficult to believe some portions of the account, were it not for the unimpeachable character of the gentleman who penned it."
"There with the snow drifting around us, our limbs benumbed with piercing cold, and those vile gestures of the High Council, the blood thirsty Danites prowling around, and an armed force repeatedly charging in upon us, threatening our property and our lives, we anxiously waited, wishing and praying that heaven might be propitious and open a way for us through the mountains, that we might find an asylum among the Snake river savages."
"But as I have spun out this introduction to such a length, I will close the present article by remaking that I know how to appreciate the privilege of speaking and writing what I think without the fear of losing my head. When imprisoned by the mountains among that ungodly people, we dared not even to speak aloud, much less to put a word on paper." (A Winter with the Mormons, David L. Bigler, The Tanner Trust Fund, 2001, Preface Xlll, pgs. 26-28)

This is just some of the first letter to the Oregonian back in 1852 after Jotham Goodell and family (along with many others) left the Salt Lake Valley while imprisoned a winter with the Mormons in 1850-51.
I suggest that if you need to read in depth this book (and I highly recommend that you do), please go to Utah Lighthouse Ministries and purchase it. Amazon might have it too.


Religion & Redemption-A documentary on Mormonsim (SNEAK PEAK TRAILER)

The Midwest Expositor

Please click on the title and go to the Expositor's web page. Great stuff!

The Lost Symbol of Mormonism? NO.....

"God presides in the great assembly." Psalm 82:1

The great assembly is in the great Hall of Justice (1Kings 7:7) in heaven.

"In The Lost Symbol, the front and center theology is that of Apotheosis--of humans becoming gods." (Exaltation and The Lost Symbol, Scott Holley, September 21, 2009,

The 'essay' titled "Exaltation and The Lost Symbol," (Dan Brown, The Lost Symbol, New York: Doubleday Books, 2009), points to the conclusion that one of the subjects within this book supports the Mormon theology that Mormons will become gods. The essay uses Psalm 82 from the Bible as support for their (Mormons) exaltation into the eternities as a "god."

"God presides in the great assembly; he gives judgment among the "gods". How long will you defend the unjust and show partiality to the wicked? Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked. "They know nothing, they understand nothing. They walk about in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken. "I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High. But you will die like mere men; you will fall like every other ruler." Rise up, O God, judge the earth, for all the nations are your inheritance." (Psalm 82)

"If The Da Vinci Code highlighted one key element of Mormon theological distinction from Evangelical Christianity with the origin of Biblical scripture, then The Lost Symbol masterfully articulates the second-exaltation and man's divine potential." (Ibid, same essay)

"The psalm was understood in rabbinic circles as an attack on unjust judges who, though they have been given the title "gods" because of their quasi-divine function of exercising judgment, are just as mortal as other men." (NET

"PS 82 A word of judgment on unjust rulers and judges. The Levitical author of this psalm evokes a vision of God presiding over his heavenly court-analogous to the experiences of the prophets (see 1Ki 22:19-22; Isa 6:1-7; Jer 23 :18, 22; see also Job 15:8)." (The Holy Bible, Footnotes on psalm 82)

God is the King and Judge over all, especially over all of the rulers and judges on this earth. The "gods" are earthy humans who have earthy power; those who rule and judge while here on this earth. For those humans who defend the unjust, show partiality to the wicked, utterly devoid of true understanding of moral issues or of the moral order of God's rule sustains, God will "judge" them. Within this psalm, "gods" is used as a term that applies to types of authorities. "God, Most High, and O God," is used to describe the "Most High God" or our Father who is in the "great assembly."

"This offhand assertion is especially interesting given the ultimate message of the book-that not only are we gods, but we are able to access our divinity through shared spiritual experiences, and that truth is often found in such "wide acceptances". (Ibid)

In psalm 82 the message is clear that the God of the Most High is the only God who will judge all in the end. All other gods are not significant in stature, only to do His work on earth. If that work is not according to His will, then the "gods" will have very harsh judgment by by "GOD". This psalm is not about becoming a god, the Mormons are wrong.

One of The Books

I was given several books lately by a good friend whom she and I think very similar. She handed over these books as a gift from the heart. Thank you very much! I've been reading the material I was given and, WOW, there's so much info here. I started to read one particular book tonight and thought I'd share a little. So here it goes:

Title: A Winter with the Mormons
Edited by: David L. Bigler
Preface by: George Miles
Printer: Tanner Trust Fund
Date: 2001
My rating: *****!! (so far)

I had just finished the preface, and I had to give everyone a taste. If you like what you 'taste' then by all means, buy the book!!! I'm gonna quote just a little bit:

"Goodell's broad critique of Mormon society built upon his contempt for polygamy. His observations of Mormon legal, economic, and political relations continually return to the theme of expedient self-indulgence as the primary engine of Mormon behavior. Whether they are making cowardly deals with "savage" Indians, selling goods at inflated prices to hard-pressed travelers, using the courts to extort money from unfortunate outsiders, or seeking to obtain federal funds for irregular purposes, Goodell's Mormons are undisciplined, selfish, and unprincipled. When confronted with evidence of the sacrifices the pioneers have made to emigrate to Salt Lake or with their willingness to subordinate individual comport to the needs of the larger community, Goodell sees not nobility but craven fear of the Danites, the Church's secret militia.
Goodell's depiction of a corrupt, authoritarian society reflects a broader theme in American popular culture of the ante-bellum years, the fear that powerful conspiracies were undermining American freedom. Critics castigated the Freemasons, Roman Catholics, the slave-power conspiracy, and the abolitionists as secret, self-serving organizations whose ambitions were incompatible with American democracy. In such an era, Mormon social cohesion was seen not as an inspiring expression of community but as a political, economic, and social threat." (A Winter with the Mormons, preface pgs Xll and Xlll)

Did that wet the ole' appetite? Did mine. Now I'm off to read some more of this fantastic book. Go get your own!

About Me

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Michigan, United States
I spent a lot of time deciding if I should write this blog or not. I'm not a great writer and I'm not going to pretend to be. I need to share what I have learned and I might not make some people happy with what I am saying. This blog is a way for me to release the thoughts and feelings that come with knowing I grew up in the wrong religion. A healing process if you will.

How To Read This Blog

Please start with the month of February 2007 and read backwards. This is the most effective way to understand, in order, why I say what I do.

Handmaidens Creed

1.I believe in God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit as one God without beginning or end.
2.I believe the Bible to be the Holy Inspired word of God with full truth and righteousness. No other writing is.
3.I believe that the work of the Lord comes first. Before any temporal thing or person.
4.I believe that grace is a gift and Christ gives that gift freely to all who believe.
5.I believe that the beauty of a woman is contained inside of her and not by what she looks like on the outside.
6.I believe that marriage is sacred and represents the Godhead on earth; two are one just as three are one.
7.I believe that love is more powerful than any other power. Remember, God is love.
8.I believe that tithing is not a part of God's new covenant, free will offerings are. And that doesn't mean just money.
9.I believe that the Aaronic, Levitical, and Melchizedek priesthoods are abolished and Christs Holy Priesthood whom Christ is the "Great High Priest" is eternal.
10.I believe that every believer is a priest in the "Priesthood of Believers".
11.I believe that when two are one, nobody is to separate the one.
12.I believe that Christ is the only way to heaven.
13.I believe that our bodies are temples, not man made buildings.
14.I believe that liars make fools out of others and the liar hates the fool.
15.I believe that all believers are in authority to preach the gospel.
16.I believe that the word 'organization' to describe Christs body is evil and has no place with God.
17.I believe the Americas are not the land of Zion and Christ will return to His origonal land-Israel in the Middle East.
18.I believe that God has set out correct ways of worshiping Him, not man.
19.I believe in holding to the truths of the Bible and not mans understanding of it.
20.I believe that the world is full of evil and Satan can easily gain control over the minds of those who do not profess Christ of the Bible to be their only Messiah.
21.I believe that Saints are those who know the real Savior, Jesus Christ, of whom the Bible speaks of; not the jesus of a cult.